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Designed with the hunter in mind this release has all the great features of the Saturday Night Special, with an open jaw to aid in fast and easy release...

This is the hottest release on the market. It can be set so hot that just thinking about touching the trigger sends the arrow on the way. The great thing...

Like all Spot Hogg products the Whipper Snapper features unique, contoured lines intended to generate comfort during long shooting sessions and through...

  The Summit and extends exceptional value and ease of use to all archers. As an open hook roller sear thumb button, the Summit offers...

It’s the moment of truth. You’ve been chasing this all season. Don’t take chances with just any release. It’s not about trophies – it’s all about the...

Scott Echo release The independent jaws operate in perfect synchronization with one another. This removes any lateral torque that may come from...

Carter EZ 放箭器 The New EZ is based from the handle geometry and jaw position of the new revolutionary hinge, the NV. This allows you to have the...