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松武弓-竹弓 使用天然竹子,柔軟性和角弓相似,完全沒有沖擊力。作為自然材質的竹子,其天然的紋路看上去非常高級,倍顯品位。

松武弓-人造角弓 用人造角來代替水牛角所制成的弓,管理和使用便利性優秀,柔軟性雖不及改良角弓但堅固耐用

松武弓-修煉弓 適用於兒童或者初步者為了熟練基本姿勢,並且適用於射短距離靶子(韓國標準射距為145M。弓磅數低,並且堅固耐用。

松武弓-改良角弓 角弓由水牛角、竹子、碳纖維等構成,製成的弓衝擊力小, 柔軟性可以感覺出傳統筋角弓的手感。 為了維持弓的彈力,雨季時最好每五天用火乾燥一下弓。 (注意:不要太接近火,以防弓體結構被破壞)

松武弓-碳纖維弓 以碳纖維為主制造的弓。彈力和柔軟性優秀、具有性能卓越、長久時間可以維持性能不變等管理上非常便利的特點。

Freddie Taegeuk Horn Bow 傳統弓 尺寸: 49" 磅數: 35, 40, 45, 50 磅 Taegeuk Horn bow is made by Korean master-level bowyer Mr.CHO, Young-Seok, with...

Korean Horn Bow (Gakgung) 傳統手工天地角弓 長度: 47" 磅數: 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 弦線: fast flight string 規格: 左/右手 弦距: 5.5"-6" 建議最大拉距: 31.62" 材質:...

Freddie KTB Kingdom 傳統弓 It has a wide grip of black color and take curved shape for adding elegance on Korean traditional bow. The finish of...

Freddie Taegeuk Korean Bow 傳統弓 Taegeuk Korean Bow is fully hand-made by Korean bowyer, Mr. Cho Yeong-seok. So it has a clean finish and is solid...

Freddie Zenith 傳統弓 MADE IN KOREA With black grip on white limbs, it is well contrast and has feeling flexable but strong. The wood what can...

CONSTRUCTION The 2-piece riser is made of brown and black Hard-Rock Maple featuring limbs overlaid with clear maple, backed and faced with high...

CONSTRUCTION Ask around about Bear bows, and you'll surely hear tales of the legendary 59 Kodiak. Throughout the years, Bear has been asked time and...

CONSTRUCTION The Grizzly is one legendary bow that has been proving itself since 1950. Mr. Bear made the last design change to the Grizzly in 1964....

CONSTRUCTION The Bubinga riser features limbs overlaid with clear maple, and backed and faced with high strength black fiberglass. The tips are...

CONSTRUCTION The Au Sable longbow, aptly named after Michigan's famous Au Sable River, was introduced in 2011. It's been well received by longbow...