產品篩選 產品篩選



Carter Insatiable + 放箭器 It is considered by many to be the "work-horse" of all releases. It is a simple, no-nonsense release that many pros...

Carter Just Cuz + 放箭器 Designed by Jerry Carter and World Champion Dave Cousins, the Just Cuz is one of the most accurate release in the world....

Carter EZ 放箭器 The New EZ is based from the handle geometry and jaw position of the new revolutionary hinge, the NV. This allows you to have the...

The Blade Pro fixed head thumb trigger handheld releases bring major improvements to archery. Thinner head and jaw to reduce D-loop torque...

The new Abyss Flex is a brass thumb activated release, that use the same exact handle as the Fulkrum and Fulkrum Flex, with the same impact points. The...

T.R.U. Ball Go2 放箭器 T.R.U. BALL Archery has the most unique offering for 2020 in the new Jeff Hopkins signature series GO 2 release. The GO2 is a...

  Reaching the pinnacle of release design, the Apex delivers comfort and confidence at full draw while offering numerous options to match...

1st Handheld pull-thru release to draw a bow like all other handheld trigger releases. No need to hang onto safety lever while drawing bow....

  The Reo Wilde signature series Goat combines two of the most popular methods of activation into one unprecedented release. The Goat can be...

安全的發射機制,確保射箭過程安全無虞 精巧的頭部和鉗口設計,減少弓弦環扭力 融合了彎曲技術,可選擇3指或4指樣式 靜音且輕鬆上勾的發射機制,確保操作寧靜順暢...